Reale Seguros

The challenge
The Marketing direction in Reale see the need to adapt their products to their customers, mainly formed by seniors, to increase their presence along their customers life cicle, being present in a segment with economic resources, demanding and a longer life expectancy.
The solution
We run an exhaustive investigation in their area of influence throught Spain, identifying the different types of customers, their uncovered needs and pain points. After a deep analysis we brough up some opportunity areas which we prioritized together with Reale to design the to-be CJ, from the customer point of view but considering the business limitations and available resources.
*with BIP/Sketchin
interviews, workshops…
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«personas» identified and developed
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initiatives for the Customer Journey To-be for the different "personas"
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Discutiendo el Customer Journey Map diseñado para Reale Seguros por Akuyari
Custommer Journey Map diseñado para Reale Seguros por Akuyari
Portada del informe The Senior Experience diseñado para Reale Seguros por Akuyari
Interior del informe The Senior Experience diseñado para Reale Seguros por Akuyari
Página del informe The Senior Experience diseñado para Reale Seguros por Akuyari

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